Linda's Blips

By Enya

Young Fox

Two friends P and J came to see me today worried that I have been reclusive since my return from my holidays. When they saw me they understood....Oooooh! you do look poorly they said...then rattled off a few comments about my tribal crouch down to my calf pants....suggesting I had perhaps other health problems because I had my nappy pants on. Can't friends be hurtful??? (they made me laugh so much I felt much better for their company)
These two "girls" are part of my lost ladies gang and we go down to London in two weeks to get lost and see a show... It will be fun, the age range of the "girls" is between 54----80. The 80 year old plays tennis at Wimbledon in the older section, runs the London marathon came first and second twice in 3 years for the over 70's and she goes skying and passed her navigation exams 5 years ago so she can sail with her toy boy to the Mediterranean.....
Anyway back to the fox...he struts across my garden most days about 12 mid day. He is quite young as doesn't look as moth eaten as some that pop in and out of the shrubbery.
My friends before they left Christened me Snot.....

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