Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac


...attended a great event tonight at Edinburgh Central Library as a guest of Dyslexia Scotland. Their president Sir Jackie Stewart was speaking to launch Dyslexia Awareness Week, with the theme "hidden dyslexia".

What a total legend that man is. Amazing. Do you know to this day he still can't recite or write the alphabet? Or find his own name on a keyboard? Yet he is so fantastically passionate about dyslexia not being anything to be ashamed of, and that in fact those who have it have skills and talents that others only dream about. Brilliant stuff - especially the work he is involved with in prisons too.

It was also good to see a wee film reminding you of all his achievements - what a total dude - rock star of the racetrack for sure!

Way too crowded to get a decent shot of him tho'- and no pics allowed when he was speaking. So instead, these old-skool index card drawers caught my eye.

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