With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Power down

Inevitable, I suppose, that I would get a cold now. Orisit and I had been drenched when we emerged from our night out, and though we weren't excessive in our behaviour, maybe a few more hours sleep would have been even better. The boys seemed to have braved well the terrors of the night before, so with an empty fridge, but full hearts, we set out for a set menu (me) of excellent 'dirty rice' and lamb chops and fab pizza for the boys. (Agu ordered the seafood option with octopus, gambas and squid. Oooh, just remembered there's some left in the fridge. Will it be the same after heating up? Don't think so.)

I'm sniffing and sneezing a lot, but thoroughly cheered by a fantastic holiday weekend, and greatly relieved to have the camera back after it's night in a stone well up the mountain. Don't ask...

Please have a look at yesterday's blip! and I'll blog some others.

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