expecting too much

Ten to eleven in the evening is not really the ideal time to get round to basic maintenance following a damp home-commute but something (apart from just going to bed and trying to sleep) was nagging that it needed to be attended to and this eventually won (possibly after studying the amount of only-visible-in-macro crap visible on a macro photo of nearby components taken last night), combined as it would have to be with moving everything into morning-ready-positions after everything was shifted out of the way when I got home to make it possible to hoick a replacement fridge into the kitchen from the car following the came-with-the-house fridge's continued failure to chill things properly and not dribble all over the floor (and an efficient new larder-fridge popping up cheap) as well as wasting an entire shelfsworth of space on the block of ice formerly known as the freezer compartment, which quickly solidifies and becomes useless even as things in the door go off too quickly due to poor distribution of cooling-effects and inadequate door-seals.

As well as getting a bit of the water displaced from and re-oiling the drivetrain I thought I might try and pick off some of the caked-on mank sitting on the inside side of the cassette and on the edge of the jockey wheels, though it could all really do with being properly brushed and cleaned out in the garden with rags over the wheels to stop the rims getting all oiled. I've been meaning to install an extra washing line ever since we moved in so this would be the ideal opportunity to do so, making it sufficiently well-anchored to be able to dangle a bicycle from it for cleaning and fiddling-with. It reminded me a bit of when I was small and thought that oil was black, based on the colour it appeared to be when it managed to wipe itself off the chain and onto the trousers or legs. I was definitely surprised when I first saw what colour it was when it came out of the can.

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