Planko's Pics

By planko

Perthshire Pheasant gathering

Took some blips on the way into work today of the many pheasants that are loitering in the fields each morning. Don't see any when i get across the bridge, but back home the place is littered with them.

The farmers who have left the fields unploughed seem to have the most birds, and occasionally deer.

One of my friends does a fair amount of game shooting. Must tap him for some more venison & pheasant. Last time we got a parcel from his wife it was all nicely divided into the different bits, with descriptions on what to use for and how to cook. And we got home made chutney to go with it. Very nice & very delicious!

A lot of the shots didn't turn out, as i was rushed and not very close. This is about the best one so will have to do for todays offering.


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