Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


And the candy.......more candy than the kids have ever gathered before. Probably because our little girl was now fully in the pack of trick or treating kids. She would not miss a house. Her little legs ran as fast as they could to keep up with her brother and the other kids. At one point she had a sucker in her mouth and an open tootsie roll in her other hand. Our son ate two pieces of candy that night. We had to cut off the candy supply for our daughter. It can't be good to eat that many suckers in one night. She threw a huge "I want candy" tantrum on the way home. And then woke up in the morning asking for a sucker. It must be so hard for young kids to grasp the concept of receiving so much candy all at once.

Halloween has been a WONDERFUL holiday to break up the hard work that is our demolished kitchen. We have to keep a good humor about this. It's too easy to get snippy and snappy when your muscles hurt, you just want some scrabbled eggs darn it, and you are sleep deprived. So yes, thank you Halloween for the charity party and for the annual R family halloween party. Again, a fantastic time and if I hadn't have ripped my pleather pants the night before, I totally would have dressed up for the kid party. And now we start brainstorming for next year's costumes........

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