Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

did i get it?

no not quite baby.

only got out of the house to go to the bank today so not much in the way of blip ops. so we shall go with a granny pleaser tonight. you're little grandchild is as lovely as ever, although she has still not got over her cold completely so, despite the angelic (carrot stick covered) face of hers she is having quite a few moments where she resembles the anti-christ. still love her dearly but stroppy is not the word for it.
we did have good fun dancing around the kitchen to some of daddy's old skool tunes (inspired by this weeks assignment topic). in fact at one point she was laughing like an acid fuelled hyena. it makes me laugh to hear her like that. don't know if it was daddy's music or his dancing or whatever but she was having fun.

anyway folks had a great blip idea but i wanted to use this one today, guess thats one in the blip bank for this weeks assignment.

enjoy the rest of the weekend folks

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