Brought to you by the letter C

By thegeneous

The last time I grew a 'stache ...

Would you sell firearms to him?

This picture was taken the only other time I've had a moustache. I used it for both my Firearms Licesnse (picture here) and my passport! :)

This Movember (the month formerly known as November) I've decided to donate my face to raising awareness about prostate cancer. My donation and commitment is the growth of a moustache for the entire month of Movember, which I know will generate conversation, controversy (at home) and much laughter.

I am doing this for my brother-in-law who is younger than me and a cancer survivor.

4,400 men die of prostate cancer in Canada each year and one in six men will be diagnosed during his lifetime.

This is a cause that I feel passionately about and I'm asking you to support my efforts by making a donation to Prostate Cancer Canada.

Donate online using your credit card or PayPal account

I will be posting periodic updates of my new lip muffler as it progresses.

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