La vida de Annie

By Annie

Where did all that come from?

#1 son has decided he will "economise" by giving up his flat in town and moving back home next week. I don't think I could have done that at the ripe old age of 30; in fact I left home at 19 to go to uni and made my own way from then on. After that announcement he dropped off some boxes of his stuff and went off to Bolivia and Peru (as you do) with his girlfriend who will be staying for a year to do an anthropological dissertation for her PhD. He did say there was still some bedding to collect as they would be using it before they left. The co-tenant of the flat contacted us recently to ask for his stuff to be collected; 2 car-loads of assorted possessions (including the bedding), half of which belongs to the absent partner - is that cheeky or what? Now I have to find somewhere to put all this stuff, which is a bit hard at the mo as I can't bend down without going dizzy...

Oh, just realised I've finally got my blips up to date; backblips start here if anyone's interested (they are pretty boring, me being poorly-sick). Sorry I've not been commenting of late; I do look but am not up to speed yet.

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