Playing Hookie.....

It's at times like this that i'm so thankful to be self-employed!! Of course being self-employed does have it's down usually being the issue, and working at all hours of the day and night......but here's the big payoff! today it was a brilliant sunny day, with nothing but rain in the forecast for the next we packed a lunch and headed off up the coast! Our destination was Black Brook - where there is a wonderful hike....2 actually....the coastal hike in it's entirety takes 3-4 hours, the Jack Pine trail takes about an hour! We really wanted to be by the ocean, so we took the coastal trail for about an hour and then returned the same way! It was totally magnificent! And it was a great work out for both of us! The trail had a few look out points which we explored....this was one of the most interesting spots. You can look here for a couple of more dramatic shots of Terry!!!

What a great way to spend the day....we both feel tired and happy. Dinner is about to be started....and i've already blipped !

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