In Sorelworld...

By sroget

Circle of Light

Rainy day today so basically went straight from the office to the couch. Didn't really have any photo opps so needed to find a quick blip at home. Inspired by others on here, this is the result of candlelight and a wine glass... I think the circle sums up this week quite well. It absolutely flew by and I'm back to the weekend again already - it feels like someone grabbed me by the shoulders and gave me a quick spin!

After the massively busy and crazy last week (busiest work week of the year!) and then being so far behind with blip, I just dug a deeper blip hole (once you get behind it is that much more difficult to get caught up). Have finally gotten caught up though and back-blipped all of the following:

Which One Does Not Belong?
These Boots Were Made For Walkin'
The Sky Was Gold, It Was Rose
Halloween's a Comin'
50s Throwback
Things Are Not Always What They Seem

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