Blip Journals #5 This Too Will Vanish

Yes! It did. More quickly than I thought!

I was expecting to buy one of those fireworks that fill the sky with a chrysanthemum of coloured light! I was looking forward to my first firework blip so much. It was to be taken at the end of a long lake with the dark water answering back to the surprise of the splendorous blaze.

My first mistake was to think that between 2 of us we could work with cameras, tripods, matches and fireworks in complete darkness.

My second was that the lake was full: no beach to stand on.

My third was that I didn't expect it to rain.

So back to the garden for tonight's blip. Now, sailfish, when did I ever intimate that I was going to attempt to blip ALL Journal names? The idea does fascinate me but I'm not THAT inventive! But you've got me thinking now so here, today, is the best one to describe my very brief encounter with a damp squib. If you've visited
etherghost's Journal you will know that, being an artist, she has great imagination and creativity when it comes to creating a blip.

.... and yes, lozarithm, I do have an idea for your name but that can't be for a while yet!

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