365 With The 7D

By snafilter

Fall Colors

There was some unexpected rain this evening and as I got off the bus (the rain having just cleraed) the sky was beautiful and the red and the green leaves made it a great picture. No tripod again so one jpeg edit in Lightroom to get this effect.

I wonder if I should make it look fantastic in the sense that totally unreal or try to keep it as real as possible? How does this one look? Too modified but okay and you like it or too modified and it just doesn't work? Would love some feedback in comments on that if you have the time.

Could have...should have been a very promising day for photography considering it's Diwali and all but it was not to bed...everything was delayed and while we did spend time together as a family, we did not do sparklers etc... (insert sad face here).

On a positive note, we will hopefully be doing all that tomorrow.

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