Mighty brews

I've been in the presence of passionate home brewers today. On the left is an award winning wheat beer, on the right is a 'big' barley beer in all it's raisiny, plummy, prune glory. I'd describe it as the port of beers. Tom's in the middle, you've seen him before. He's the dude who brewed these. I forgot to ask Gary if I could blip him so you don't get to see him.

It was a good way to spend today. I awoke around 2.30am to answer the call of nature and just in time to cop a decent rattler that rumbled on through. Curiously it didn't wire me and I went back to sleep. But sometime after 5.30am I awoke to bang and jolt. It was smaller in magnitude but on a few km's away and very shallow. I was sure it broke some block work on the side of my bedroom but they still look ok. It's amazing what the house withstands.

Wheat really isn't my friend but it was worth tasting various brews and yarning with the boys. It made a difference after a bumpy and scary start to my day. If you're wondering about the wine glasses with beer, Tom and Gary reckon they're the best for swilling, swirling and savouring beer.

Check the colour of those beers large.

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