Kath's Journal

By Kathb

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Because their usual retired professional photographer was still on holiday (or so it was thought) I was asked to take some pictures today for Squires Gate FC . Luckily for me, Albert had returned from his holidays and he was extremely helpful. He told me more about the game of football, how to judge where the ball was going to go and where to stand than how to take photographs but he did get me away from the fear of ramping up the ISO. It wasn't easy to get decent shutter speeds once we had to rely on the floodlights. I told him that my camera would only go to 1600 but he said that if I underexposed by 1 stop then I would have 3200 ISO.

I was also lucky in that there were 7 goals scored - I managed to get 4 of them but for some reason I like this picture the best.

Squires Gate are in blue and we won 6 -1

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