Zeitgeist London

By zeitgeistlondon

House Arrest

(Best viewed full size - click on the magifying glass icon!)

This is a pic of the art installation at the Tate Modern in London by Chinese "dissident", Ai Weiei who was placed under house arrest in China on Friday for planning a party for other "enemies of the state" (that is, anyone who disagrees with them) at his condemned studio in Shanghai.

It consists of 100 million ceramic sunflower seeds - originally, the artist intended viewers to walk, run, lie or sit on them. He wanted people to be part of the work. But the powers that be at The Tate seem to think that having people walking all over small porcelain objects would create a very fine "porcelain dust" which they say could be harmful.

It's well worth a look if you're in London.

Oh, and spare a thought for the artist when you're there - at least you're allowed to move around your own city!

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