Club 107

By club107

So when does cynicism kick in?

The question is so relevant, where does one suddenly discover the art of cynicism, is it at school, in the house, on the street, on the television watching people who have been scripted to be cynical beyond compare or just earn a living of it. Innocence in children, more often than not, is replaced by something which I have often thought about but somehow do not want to dwell on. Maybe it is simple reality, an acceptance of the life is rotten but then how does one explain all those who do not adhere to this.

Why am I pondering on this today. Because it was child #2's birthday party, and she is one of the most positive people I know. I would rather she refrains from the sway to cynical existence which clouds many people. My personal take, but hey I'm a bit of an old cynic.


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