Blip Challenge

By blipchal

Hangar right...

What a wet day. It started ok with breakfast at the hotel, then I had to find my way to the offices for training. I had a map printed out, and a fair idea of where I was going - it was only 1/2 a mile or so. I debated about a taxi, but decided I could just walk there... how wet could I get??

I was quite early when I set off - in the pouring rain, with my hood up. I found a shopping centre to walk through as part of the route, so that was good. Then it all went wrong. I took a wrong turning and followed the wrong street. I was getting wetter and wetter - and loster and loster - it must be the next side road - except it wasn't. My map was starting to dissolve as the paper got wet, and it only had a few roads marked on it anyway.

Two or three dead ends explored, and now time was getting close to when I should be there. I'd been relatively dry up to now, but now there was water starting to get into my socks, and I suspected trench foot wasn't far off. I saw an ASDA in the distance, and went there, and found a taxi. That took me about the 1/2 mile that I was away.

Arriving looking just a little like a drowned rat, I was still in time to have coffee before the course started, and dried out through the mornings session.

I'd taken a few photos along the way - puddles, wet trees, leaves... just in case, before finally putting my camera in my rucksack, which was also showing signs of leakage.

By the time we went out for lunch it had stopped raining and I was almost completely dry - except for my socks.

I then noticed this big building - well you couldn't miss it! It was apparently used for airships at one point, before being rebuilt in its new location. So I grabbed the camera and took a few shots - it would be dark by the end of todays session!

I think the perspective is nice, and what a bizarre structure to preserve!

So - the day turned out OK in the end, despite my early morning saga.

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