In Tru Life

By TruLife

2 Little Blip Bears!

I had a huge challenge this morning, to get Madeleine off to school for 8.30am for a school trip to Stirling Castle and Bannockburn Battle Field, which she thoroughly enjoyed. Not only that but I also managed a legs, bums & tums class and a very quick dash round Asda to get bits for my friend Lallybroch and Ethan coming for lunch. (Check this out, it's so cute!) We got back just in time and still managed to tidy the whirlwind of clothes, dishes and toys which were left this morning! Phew!

We had a lovely time and I had nice chats. The time went too fast though and before we knew it Lallybroch had to leave! :-( After she left I realised I had literally dangled a carrot (cake) in front of her nose and not given her any! Bad host! Sorry Lally!

Also please check out Saturday's blip as it was my nephew's 21st!

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