this luminous life.

By Laura

November Rain.

Guns N Roses.

First picture I took today.
I wanted to use my photo of cookies,
but the rain best captured the day.
It was pouring all day and naturally,
I'm unaware of it until I leave my room
so I didn't have an umbrella,
and was very wet (and cold) often.
On top of this, I was rushing everywhere
(and already exhausted from airport stuff the day before).
Late to classes. Quick lunch. Bank stuff.
Humane Society.
Someone brought in two gorgeous bengal cats.
Late to work. So much work, more than usual. Wanted to nap.
Didn't even eat dinner until 9:30pm. Spaghettios.
I just felt worn out all day.
Finally was able to bum around in my room at night
with plans to watch a movie and do some knitting,
but spent a few hours going through my music.
Didn't even try to watch a movie or anything until 1am.
I'm still very tired.

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