With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Wireless wonders

I wrote prophetically, next to the fire, with my lovely little notepad and one of the various wireless connections I seem to have acquired lately. This is a re-write, as I lost everything (well, nearly) after an hour. Two minutes with wires and I'm in.

A peculiar day starting with wild nightmares (I'm used to them) were quickly dispelled after cleaning the house for prospective buyers from Sweden. Lovely people, and a clean house with working light bulbs. Excellent. And the whole town seemed in good spirits, with cheerful waves continung the whole day. Even a bit of banter with the lady from the paper shop, who growled at me for years.

The language on my phone had, I thought, been changed to English, but the default for date seemed to remain Euskadi. I think importers of phones to Spain have the Basques' interests at heart???? Thanks to R for getting it back for me.

The cat fell asleep on F, not the keenest feline fancier. He started snoring! The first time I'd ever heard it from Suc. He thinks he won. F has different ideas.

A friend of orisit does prove to be the brother of a colleague from Sawston Village College from years back after all. Great surname (which is how my suspicions were raised) and charming company too. We all fought with orisit's new Blackberry to no avail. And now she's found it doesn't have a camera. Boo. Back to the shop.

And still the theme is TOO MUCH BL***Y HOMEWORK. The boys got to bed after 10pm this evening after sport and dinner. Outrageous I think, but probably not for many here. And there's too much stress if I say don't bother.

So back to the wires for me, and the butane 'estufa', not the real fire downstairs. Compromise, but connected.

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