The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

Cheap and cheerful or cheap and nasty?

After BT disconnected us for no reason (the ensuing calls to them beggar belief) about 18 months ago I had a cold call from TalkTalk and, kind of on the rebound, decided to switch to them.
£21 a month for free calls with broadband too sounded great. We waited about 3 months for our internet connection having lost our previous one due to BT's complete hash of everything.
When we finally got online the connection was sporadic at best and their help line made BT's seem the model of competence. I ended up resolving it by contacting Charles Dunstan, TT's CEO and getting him to kick arse.
Now TT have decided to 'upgrade' the local exchange and since then our upload speed has dropped to 51kbs - slower than dialup!
I am led to believe that this is a temporary and necessary glitch whilst the mods are carried out.
I wonder what I did with Mr Dunstan's email address?

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