
By 5nations


I've had this tape measure for donkeys years. I have a feeling I nicked it off my dad because I needed one for Uni and liked the fact that it had a little window in the top that gave an unaccurate measure reading!

Anyway, although for all those donkeys years i've read the word 'Jiffy' on the front, because my brain associated this word with cleaning fluid, it never progressed to asking the question of whether there was actually any connection between the 2 items..... (Homer Simpson and myself have a lot in common)

It was only when Ken asked me if I had ever come across any 'Jiffy' products that my brain woke up and said 'bloody hell, look at that, it's a tape measure not cleaning products'.

So, where the hell does 'Jiffy' come from?

(I'm sticking with the idea that dad saved 'Jiffy Cleaner' vouchers and got a free promotional tape measure out of it)

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