Linda's Blips

By Enya

A Line Of Trees

Walked early this morning and spent time with my friend Pat. Typed a letter to the Tax man the letter having been drafted my a friend. I am one of the poor old pensioners that has to pay back £1,300 due to mistakes made by the said tax man. I also have to pay back £4000 to the NHS because of their mistakes made in my pension. Bugger!!! Can't any of these people due their jobs.....they are very simple calculations and the NHS had three months to work it out!!!
Off now to meet my friend Glamorous Joan for lunch at the Everyman Bistro where we will stay till later in the evening chatting and then we stagger home.
Tomorrow I am going to London with The Lost Ladies......nine robust happy women to see The Jersey Boys......and take in a few exhibitions and inevitably get LOST......

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