it's in these moments

By jfblanchard

grand rapidsss :)

These are my beautiful friends hillary & meghan :)i had classes in the morning, and then had a fun fashion shoot with them in downtown grand rapids. they're adoooorrrable. even though i should be doing homework, tomorrow, i'll probably end up editing these photos :)

ive been hangin out with linds & mark tonighttt, i <3 them :))

ACTUALLY.... jenn is coming to pick me up tomorrow to hang out at the trailer with her, nik, and derek. and maaaayyybe lindsey & mark :)

i'm really stressed out though... i NEEEEED thanksgiving break!

"The minute you start enjoying yourself and the person who you
ve become, when you walk into a room with your head held high, the minute you wake up and are glad to be you, the possibilities and opportunities will come knocking at your door."

peace & <3

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