
By Orc2009

Grey seal pup

I wouldn't deliberately seek out where seals are pupping right now, this one was on a beach that I doubt very much is used for pupping. It was on Newark Bay on South Ronaldsay, a beach frequented by dog-walkers (ie several over the day).
I was walking along and, when I saw the pup, actually assumed it was a casualty of the storm of the other evening. Only when closer did I realise it was alive. I took a couple of shots and left. It appears a bit forlorn, the left eye may be swollen, but it seemed pretty fat. It may have come from the breeding ground on Copinsay, about 10 miles NE. The weather is milder just now and I think it will be OK.

Other wildlife included a female (or juvenile- they're very alike) hen harrier, and then a beautiful male hen harrier- pale grey with black wing-tips, like a Franciscan friar who has spilt the inkwell.
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