
By middleman


Where I live there's loads of stuff nearby that I usually like to photograph - scaffolding, skips, pallets, industrial units, overpasses, railings, pillars, subways, underpasses, wires, cables, file it all under 'urban' I guess. There's also a lovely canal, park and playground where I spend a lot of time wandering around with my family.

The blip of my eldest on her bike sums up the day. There was also a nice 'swings' shot that I nearly used but can re-create that easily enough on another playground visit. Incidentally, I'm non-Scottish but have lived in Edinburgh for the last 16 years and it still brings a smile to my face when I realise that my children don't have 'a turn on the slide' when they go to the playground (swingpark, even) but rather they have 'a shot on the chute', it's a lovely phrase.

No music listening today of any interest, caught up with some film review podcasts and had a big big swim at the local pool. May even have overswam,, exhausted! That cinema trip to see the new Mike Leigh film will have to wait....tomorrow..tomorrow.

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