Zeitgeist London

By zeitgeistlondon

Dan Borden: Mix Breed

Today I went to see a film, made by my friend Dan Borden, as part of the GFEST 2010 Gay London Festival. This is a snap of Dan after the viewing, showing off his GFEST T-shirt and a DVD copy of his film, which he kindly gave me.

Dan is a multi-talented lad. Originally an architect living and working in New York (which he kindly showed me around when I visited many years ago), he now lives in Berlin and has turned his hand to film making.

His film - "Mix Breed" - tells the story of three gay men who "compete" to be the father of a child with a lesbian couple. It's an amusing tale that's not quite what you think, and very well made.

You can see an interview with Dan HERE.

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