Saskia's World

By Saskia2nd

A Very Special Cat

Since turning up from nowhere about a year ago, Spooky has adopted me as his constant companion. He started by being a regular visitor in the barn, getting fed alongside the other farm cat Twinkle.

He refused to ever come into the house, despite his immaculately groomed fur and excellent manners, he maintained that he was an outside cat.

He watched with interest while the cabin was built,and graciously agreed to move in with me in order to repel any opportunist mice and rats.

So, in the morning he appears magically in the barn to receive his wages as a farm cat (a third of a tin of cat food). He follows me around while I feed the sheep and horses outside. Then he joins me for breakfast in the cabin when he receives his wages as a Cabin Cat (a third of a tin of cat food). He then has a little sleep on the best chair until tea time, when he resumes following me around outside, even trotting behind me to the top field to check the sheep. This is what he was doing here, keeping a safe distance from the sheep, not even turning back when it began to rain.

After dark, he comes into the barn and watches and waits while I give the goats their final feed, then put out his wages. Then he comes into the cabin to receive his wages again and then curl up in front of the stove.

He has never once tried to steal my cocoa, or knock the milk over, like certain other cats on the farm, and I love him to bits.

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