
By schlimm


Spent the day more or less inside going through photographs taken in 2010 and checking for any pics that would look good in the calendars for the grandparents of their grandchildren.

So engrossed in looking at old blips was I that today's blip nearly escaped me. When I prepared the first sprouts of the season I thought I might as well blip them.

The blip didn't really go to plan and when I looked at the result this one looked most interesting with the "devilishly" shadow in the top left hand corner.

I seem to have caught yet another cold, my throat is just that wee bit sore but I hope that it won't develop into anything.

I managed to get through the first book within Midnight's Children and finally, after 100 pages the birth announced on page one takes place - great story telling.

And rediscovered a poem I read at school by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, die Fuesse im Feuer.

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