
By blipblog

Schoolly B

Hi folks it's Buddy here. For some reason this week the powers that be at Blipcentral have decided to overlook the fact I'm only semi literate at the best of times along with my heinous crimes against grammar, and asked me to do this week's assignment overview. I don't remember slipping Joe a bribe but I guess I must have done.

This week's assignment was 'Old school' and I had no idea how hard it would be to narrow down a selection. There have been some fantastic interpretations. So much so in fact that this is my second crack at writing this. The first attempt was going swimmingly until four pages through the blips when the amount of browser windows I had open for including crashed my machine.

One of the problems in making a selection is that there is no actual rule as to what constitutes old school. It's not like there's a sliding scale we can use to calculate what counts and what doesn't.

Anyway, amongst the widely varied submissions we had old school fashions, old school dance music, old school hairdos, greetings, pens and spreads.

Technology wise we have seen old school communications, storage media, entertainment systems, appliances, computers, iPods and camcorders.

We've had tatts, recipes, Christmas frenzies, motors, mechanics and opulence.

On the leisure side of things we've had gigging, gaming, junk food, tourist attractions, and obsessions.

Then when it's been taken literally there's been school books, equipment, prefects and emergencies. We've even had some actual old schools, although strangely we only had one old school tie.

Not forgetting your cameras of course.

So it seems just about anything can be classed as old school, even blipping. One thing's for sure, you've all shown total dedication.

Phew, made it to the end, I think I need a beer now.

But before that, I need to let you know that next week's theme is 'Christmas Hell'. Don't forget to tag your entries assignment24.

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