Day 3 in Tilly's house

I spent the whole day at home, quality time with the pup, with only one short trip to Hanna's new school to get enrollment papers. Tilly stayed at home was still sleeping when I returned. I haven't managed to get any daytime sleep to catch up on lost time at 2 am, when Tilly seems to need to go out. Twice.
Her make-do enclosure doesn't impress her. Basically she can't stand it. So Mr H went and got a dog pen, basically metal fence and this seems a bit better. I feel more comfortable knowing that the old wooden door won't collapse on her, she won't destroy my outdoor table and she can see through it. Just a little better, she will be still limited in her movements.We'll commence experiments tomorrow, my last day of this short doggy break.

Have I mentioned yet how hard it is to get a decent, focused shot of this blackness?

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