Clark Tales

By cclark

Nara- The Taj Mahal of Japan.


They say that to visit Japan and not go to Nara is like visiting India and not going to the Taj Mahal. Well that's fine because I got to visit it. There are loads of deer that you can feed all the way up to the temple, you just buy the crackers. When you run out of crackers there is a way to avoid getting a nip in the butt, but doogie neglected to tell me for a few minutes to watch me squirm and to see if I could figure it out for myself. Turns out all you have to do it put both hands in the air and put your palms straight up. This totally worked!

This is the Todaji Temple("Great Eastern Temple") is one of Japan's most famous and historically significant temples and a landmark of Nara.

As part of the temple's restoration we were able to buy a roof tile paint it, then donate it back to the temple. See the results on Flickr.

As it was the 5th November we thought on the way home we'd be imaginative and let off fire works off out the back of doog's building. However because of the antics of the night before we were ready to collapse. Instead we went to Yodobashi to put Doogie's camera in for repair, then headed straight back to his to chill out!

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