tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Lost domain (Llanstinan)

"A mansion that ever ranked in this county among the first class with regard to its pretensions in every respect, and second to none as to the character of its possessors, its hospitality, its popularity or its influence."  (1811)

Once this great house must have commanded envy, admiration and an army of indoor and outdoor staff.  Its height proclaimed its superior social standing.  Now it's just a shell, its four floors collapsed into the cavity of its basement. Ladders of fireplaces that served successively the kitchens, the living rooms, the bedrooms and the servant quarters, still cling to the inner walls. There are the remnants of a croquet lawn with palm trees, and a huge stable block, and a wide walled kitchen garden.  
Wales is full of such dereliction, mansions and hovels alike: 'time and chance happeneth to them all'.

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