Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

Sleepy Daisy

This is Daisy sleeping tonight.

She is a darling wee lady. She looks at things a different way and is very good at drawing. Can be a grumpy determined git too. But then can't we all?

She is generous to the point of keeping sweets for her older and younger sister if they are not around, not bad for someone who thinks it's hard being 7, and both her Grans can't give her a row "because she looks so innocent".

Daisy loves insects and creepy crawlies Snails are her favourites. She really plays. She will set up wee scenarios and see them through. My favourite is when one of her animals, usually a penguin, is in trouble in the bathroom. All the others line up and set off to save the penguin. The ones at the back move to the front but must have at least one word to everyone else in the line before leading the international animal rescue. This goes on till they reach their target and save him. Sometimes there are stairs involved!

So many things I could say but I will sum up with this.

I simply love the Daisyness of our Daisy.

Thanks for looking

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