Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto

Noise Ninja

Using my crappy cell phone camera again before going to bed to capture some interesting shadow patterns. Then, when I was processing it decided to leave some of it "raw" to show the corrective properties of Noise Ninja, a noise reduction software by Picturecode. The bottom 1/4 of the image is the original, noisy, image. The rest is after simple processing with Noise Ninja.

Also, when I was doing some cleaning, I came across a poem I wrote for, a cheesy outfit that gets you to submit a poem to a contest to have your poem "published" in a book of collective poems titled "Eternal Portraits", then sells you the book it was published in. I don't remember what the price of the book was, something like $45. This poem also "won" me a trip to Florida to attend a gala event where I would be presented with a big trophy thing, meet a celebrity or two, and generally have the time of my life, since poets are such party animals, or so I've been told. I slapped this together in about 5 minutes just as a lark, so I'm not convinced of their critical poetic eye. Anyway, here it is, truly published now for all to see. Let me know if you get what it's about.

Out Back

The night chills like glass.
I lay snug under cover
head buried, tucked fetally.
The feeling comes.
Deep, tentative, growing.
Insect and amphibian chirp at the
heavens in a cosmic call of
I am content.
It is insistent.
Breath quickens, muscles tense.
A missed appointment,
the feeling strikes.
Rising like a humpback whale from the
depths of my comfort
A sound leaves me like a spirit, low
and ethereal.
Insect and amphibian cease their call
as I make my own
to the Out Back.

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