BethaBlip 12...

For those not in the know, this is my monthly 1st of the month BethaBlip. A wee record to track how she grows and changes. A sort of virtual height mark on the wall.

Can't believe that's a whole year of BethaBlips and you can see the rest of them by searching for BethaBlip in the Blip search tool.

Was round at a mates and his 8 week old baby's house this afternoon and it is really freaky knowing that Bethany was this size not all that long ago.

You also know things are different when you learn things from your 18 month old. There is a nursery rhyme about Polly and a Dolly and a Doctor. When Bethany hears the word Polly, she grabs her wrist with her hand and rocks it left to right. That's all we knew about this thing she's learned at the nursery.

When Granny relayed the full lyrics in the medium of song to her, she did all the other actions which we'd never seen before. Bethany taught us all these actions.

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