horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Life at the moment seems to be a constant struggle of appointments and deadlines. And the house feels empty at night without some feline company - more than likely be sooner rather than later that we head to the rescue centre. Just for a look you understand.

Before that we've got a weekend walking in Perthshire with friends from tomorrow night, but as well as us losing the cat, one of them has tonsilitis, and another pulled a thigh muscle. Ah well, I'm sure the few days away will do us good - and I'm hoping for some good scenery (with a dusting of snow) and some interesting wildlife along the way.

AND Monday is a day off.

Just got to get through Friday.

p.s. thanks for everyone's comments on the Tuesday blip - I wasn't really in a frame of mind to respond personally, but every comment was appreciated.

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