
By skaterg1rl

shocking photo. especially considering the fact that the day got much nicer and i really enjoyed mooching about during the conference lunch break, looking at the fabulous architecture round parliament square. i wanted to go in to westminster abbey but decided £10 was a bit steep for a quick peek. blimey.

my excuse is that i am still in a sling and had dumped all possible bags and baggage in the conference place and couldnt be arsed to carry my camera.

after a year+ of blipping should know better.

it was either that or blip the departure lounge at heathrow but frankly that place is so depressing that it's hard to retain the will to live long enough to find your plane let alone take any photos.

and besides it would have looked like i was papping that brian dowling off big brother who was sitting opposite me and who i was studiously ignoring in that 'i'm too cool to notice you' kind of way.

strangely enough, i also walked past two ex-bb people yesterday too. for those that care, it was eugene the sound engineer and jonty the teddy-bear owner. check me and my celebrity lifestyle.

i am still thinking about what i think about the conference.

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