
By skaterg1rl

triumph of the day = 150 squares of home-made fudge for the school xmas fayre/nightmare. am buying myself out of it by being the baking uber-mother. being not at all competitive, i have been making designer home-made labels to go on the fudge too.

cb1 and i are very pleased with ourselves as it's her first go and my first go in about *cough* years. we've been in training for a while and even bought a sugar thermometer in preparation.

she also went to the fit club thing at the swimming baths which was good news while i spent more money (can't be feeling like that already, surely) on presents.

cb2 had a red letter day - he played football in the mud, wangled a macdonalds out of his father (the second this year but only the third in his life...a worrying trend??), and went to a real live football match, coming home with wet socks, red cheeks and a new scarf. tomorrow we tackle chocolate fridge cake. we are not afraid

ps this is a hankie. and what a lovely thing it is too. if mr skaterg1rl doesnt catch up on my blips, he won't have seen it and can have it for his b'day. i think he's butch enough to carry it off.

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