Jeff Greene's Daily Photo

By JeffGreene

Jet Set

Our workshop location today was situated directly in the flight path of the Ft. Lauderdale International Airport. While that made things a bit difficult for the HD Video workshop, it provided a great opportunity for my Speedlite Creativity workshop.

By setting the camera to Tungsten white balance, and then correcting the Speedlite with a CTO gel, I used the High-Speed sync feature to darken the background with a shutter speed of 1/1600 sec.

By framing Kristen from a low and wide-angle and then waiting for an inbound jet to approach, I was able to tie all this together in camera. No Photoshop trickery here except for basic touch-up and optimization.

Special thanks to Kristen for posing so patiently and not moving while at the mercy of the local Air Traffic Controllers....

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