Club 107

By club107

Foot fall ghosts

It was one of those days, you know one of the ones at the end of the week when you await the weekend and it seems to be dragging. Much frustration at work, some things working at last, others not working. Review and refine they say, which is what we are doing, good policy.

I saw some major frustration on the way to work, some guy very upset missing the bus which left but was according to the system, was due in 4 minutes. I'd have been equally annoyed, especially since the following bus was in 26 minutes. Unfortunately not a fantastic end to the week for one reason or another, again in the grand scheme of things, really not that bad, but niggly would be the word I would use.

The sky again was stunning today, hard to believe it is nearly winter, by my calculations it already is, but summer officially starts late June so what should I know. Busy weekend ahead although I don't remember for the life of me, what we have to do.

Last night we were entertained by a display of Highland dancing by child 1, and very impressive it was too.

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