
By willowfae

I'm a mean queen

Today was Children in Need and the staff could chose to wear fancy dress. We were sponsored by our forms with the idea being that they got to choose what we wore. My form came up with some bizzare ideas, including Yoda (I did ask them if they were referring to my height or my wisdom!). Anyway I couldn't get a costume for any of their ideas so I had to choose one myself when I got to the costume shop.

This was 'Wicked Queen' - or as Beth calls it 'mean queen'. I had black lipstick as well. One of the Year 7s said that I looked like Morgana from Merlin.

As people who know me will testify, I don't 'do' photos so here is one of the costume after I took it off this evening.

Oh, and I back blipped from yesterday (which was an amazing day!)

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