Manic MorFF's Pics

By manicmorff

Armour for...


This week's Weeked Blip-Challenge theme is "ARMOUR' (or I suppose for our American friends out there, perhaps "ARMOR").

This plays into ~wintersixfour's prop department I fear. So I've had to go for something a bit off-beam tonight.

So here is the famous Buckfast; Nectar of the Ned.
Pictured here in it's native habitat, empty and discarded in the wild.

For the unfamiliar, Buckfast is a 'tonic (fortified) wine.
It's 15% ABV, and has added caffeine in a greater concentration than Red Bull.
This has the dubious bonus of negating the depressive tendencies of alcohol by keeping your typically aggressive drunk awake for longer.

This has the effect of winding the crazies up like Duracell bunnies, tanking them up on cheap alcohol and letting 'em go. Fab, eh?

Who needs armour?

This is my entry for the WBC.

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