
By champignons


We went under the cover of darkness because the toys are cheap. Good Idea. Far less screaming herds of angry folks.

The nut was delighted with his £1.50 cheesy pancakes. Double fork delighted.
There are giant numbers all over Ikea. It's a Nuttley wonderland. 'THREE' he shouts upon arriving at the 3rd floor where a giant number 3 awaits him.

Also, they sell tiny soft toys for either 30p (jim bought himself a snake) or 99p (Finn bought himself a rabbit) and they give a euro to charity for them. The new rabbit is called DAVE. This really is a coincidence as his other rabbit is also called dave. And all the penguins. That's a lot of Daves in the house considering we don't know anyone else of that name.

Anyway he got home and there was a very excited meeting of daves, they talk in a very high pitch you see, and had a loud conversation. Then we tried to read spot but opening the flaps was difficult as he had to have a dave in each hand. And then they all went to bed very quietly.

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