Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Don't Panic! Don't Panic!

I had to dig deep into the Emergency Blip Bank this evening. Even the moon was playing silly buggers, disappearing behind dark clouds when it saw me coming. Twenty minutes standing in the garden, absolutely Baltic, had me beaten. What to do?

I remembered that I had stashed stuff for an Emergency Blip in my car from when I was working in ROI, in case I was stuck in the hotel some rainy evening. Off I went out to the car, and here you see the result.

A white bed sheet and a tumble out of a checkout bag and hey presto! A treasure trove, of sorts.

Left to right: an old watch chain with some old silver coins dating from as far back as 1848 with a nice tennis racquet and ball charm (in pewter, I think). This was given to me by an elderly aunt, years ago, before she died aged 98. My Celtic-design cufflinks which were a gift from a colleague on my 40th birthday, my wedding ring (fat fingers) and another old silver ring I dug up when metal-detecting many years ago. Two modern but interesting £5 coins, a paperweight from the Millennium Dome which I was given when representing Tesco there in 1999, an old William III gold coin and finally my 1937 Deutsches Reich coin. I've no idea how my radiator key got in there. I thought I'd lost it!

Off tomorrow, so hopefully something with some daylight in it!

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