The life of wood-e

By woode


Returned to the same spot as yesterday tonight, but decided to do a wee self portrait. I took a day off today. No work, no study, just fun with the kids. Pancakes for breakfast, a game of 'jump on daddy' in the morning, then off to the museum for the afternoon. Some mad traffic problems in town, but luckily Wood-e Jr. and I were on the bike.

Back to catch highlights of the Baa-Baas game from yesterday on the telly, bonus!

Wood-e Jr. had a wee nap while I sorted stuff (what Sunday's were made for) out before Mrs W and Ms W got back from a party.

I have really struggled to Blip this last fortnight. I am hoping that after Thursday my get-up-and-go will do so, but I'll wait and see.

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