Let There be Light

Domesticity certainly takes its toll on being out and about with a camera.

For the second day running I seem to be tied to the oven. This time it's making a cake for the book group on Tuesday. I like to make it early so that if anything goes wrong, I still have time to make another one. And I think it has. The centre seems to have fallen a little. Now this may be nothing to worry about or it may mean my having to cut a circle out of the centre and cunningly fill the hole with fruit.

Apart from the cake, there was a coffee invitation from daughter#1, the papers to read and of course all the while it rained. This adds up to another internal blip.

Tonight we are bearing gifts to my special friend of the very many talents.
She gets her bus pass today though the driver may well ask her if she has borrowed it from her mother, so youthful in appearance is she.
There is not one wrinkle on her face, her hands are those of a 30 year old, she has a very nicely turned ankle and her partner is a toy boy. But am I jealous? You bet your life I am.

We are looking forward to having an entertaining evening once I've sorted out my cake.
I've had another peek at it and it's not looking wonderful.
Woe is me and a thousand times woe.

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