
By Chaos

Tidewater Driftwood

I am returning to the Cook Inlet Tidewater Slough for some more light.

I have been to this abandoned tree before. But now, as the mud is frozen, I can walk out farther onto the slough.

I am quite a ways from the road now and alone. It is very quiet out here. There is a slight breeze. It is 28 degrees F. The ice is crackling in the creek nearby and this eery noise breaks the silence. I have to look over my shoulder now and then to be assured nobody is sneaking up on me, making the crackling sound.

It will be dark soon, better head back.

So that you understand this photo; the sun is setting to the right casting a warm light onto the driftwood tree.

winter, sort of

About the music; my blip computer is connected to the music system. While I blip I put iTunes on random shuffle and see what comes up. My daughters and Mrs. Chaos have contributed to the playlist. So, what I get is a family mix.

Here's what is playing now: Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day

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