
By BernardYoung

Mr Cap-in-Hand

I am Mr Cap-in-Hand.
If I put it on
you'd understand
that hats don't suit me.
Never have.
If I dared to sport one
you'd just laugh.

You would.
You'd scream your socks off.
Burst your buttons.
I'd be through that door
in nano seconds.

I'm not saying
hats should be banned.
If a hat suits you
that's fine,
that's grand.

But if it was compulsory
to wear a hat
I have to say
I wouldn't like that.

I look and feel daft
in headgear.
A hat is something
I'll not wear.

Because I am Mr Cap-in-Hand.
If I put one on
you'd understand.

Poem copyright Bernard Young 2010

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